Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reading Analysis: Killer Culture

      David Kupelian holds stubborn prejudices in various aspects of life. Evidently the social environment was much different when he was being raised. There is no doubt the lessons he learned have been imbedded upon him like a tattoo, although that's ironic because he happens to mention how he despises tattoos! Along with baggy pants, backward hats, jewelry, and body piercings. David plays the role of a trustworthy, responsible parent throughout his writing. The text Appeals to mothers and fathers by notifying as well as terrifying them of all the threats in today's "real world."  His strategy is to restrict and defend his child from such threats to his kid's gender, sexuality, and race. David's language makes modern culture seem cruel and insecure with his demeaning remarks. His effort to persuade the reader to be cautious of social harm is compelling and quite effective.
      Kupelian talks about a time when his son was influenced by an older boy and suddenly grew a desire to wear a "punk" choker necklace. David explains how he did not hesitate to refuse the request and how he layed down the law, as they say. He seems to be offended by his son's decisions as he reinforces his opinion about how such apparel being "strictly girls stuff and wouldn't dream of donning such gear himself and looking like a girl (or a weirdo) (647)."  David also writes about "irresistible pressure to pressure to conform (by "rebelling") on most of today's youth (648)." These quotes relate because they both touch on how kids these days constantly being influence from both directions and it's entirely their choice which way they see as more appealing. There are countless social pressures coming mainly from mainstream media such as Movies, Cartoons, Music, and MTV specifically.
       Kupelian's tone in his attitude is extremely insecure and he speaks of the Media as if it was the enemy of humanity! He expresses his perception by stating that "they're going to take over, and their weaponry are films, music, books, CDs, Internet access, clothing, amusement parks, sports teams (650).  David targets rappers as the source of kid's misbehavior, he seems them as role-models going in the wrong direction! His standpoint suggests that parents should be the sole source of influence upon their children and the media only corrupts their values and morals. Everybody knows that when kids are at school or in a populated environment, they consistently compete with each other and either admire, or humiliate others based on their appearance. I feel like David was rather sheltered as a youngster  and now that he's got a kid to take care of he feel's guilty about his surroundings.

       Works Cited 
Kupelian, David. "Killer Culture." (n.d.): n. pag. Rpt. in Rereading America. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 647-63. Print.


  1. Replies
    1. If you post your annotations and draft, I'll revisit here to upgrade your score, if you let me know. Thanks

  2. What an interesting RA to read. I like how you are working to analyze his tone and style. Your use of evidence is very effective because your quotes convey the 'flavor' of his argument. Well done!
